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Our Story

Gallery was created in 2019 by Jad Bsaibes just when the world was hit by the global COVID-19 pandemic, which was made worse in Lebanon as the country collapsed under an economic crisis, never seen before.

Children were out of school and confined to their homes.Their mental health may be disproportionately affected due to changes in their routines, school disruptions, reduction in social contact and fear of the unknown, all of which can cause heightened anxiety and impact on their well-being.

The Concept

Kids adore fairy-tales, different stories about pirates, adventures, and surely cartoon figures! They often imagine themselves heroes of them. Girls play dolls and dream to be a princess or go explore wonderland, boys collect comics about super-heroes and want to be as cool as them. This is why we’ve created these engaging bedroom designs to make your kids live out their dreams.

We felt desperate to help. But how?​
The idea came along as we were looking for something to entertain the kids at home.
Suddenly Gallery: “The Kids Universe!” was born!

Mission & Vision

The main objective is that the kids create their own universe using Gallery unique furniture pieces. It is very important for their development to interact with their surroundings, get them to imagine new shapes – and they can literally make hundreds of shapes and designs with each element!

Durability and style are the two most important qualities of our children’sfurniture. Please note that all our Kids Universe furniture are heavy-duty products. Details are essential when choosing designs for them to interact with. Also, kids’ comfort is a very important factor in selecting fabrics. We offer a wide selection, each with its own unique qualities.

The material used

That said, we made sure that our company is committed to sustainabilityin the materials we use to create the products you love. We are proudto use sustainable resources with low environmental impact.

Go Green!​
We only use wood waste to produce all our kids furniture. ​
All shapes are kids friendly. The kids will not only be entertained but the cutest designs, but also learn a lot just by looking at or touching these elements.

The machine

We are proud to own the machine, which produces these beautiful and changeable, designs and this is why we are able to offer low cost on our merchandise.